Fierce and Fearless Presents:

beyond "no" self- defense Course


Fighting isn't the point of self defense. Your protection is.

This course is for women who want to protect themselves without spending years and thousands of dollars in martial arts or other physical training, only to realize that fighting is just 10% of actual self defense.

You need a better plan

In fact, fighting is a last resort and if you're at that point, you've likely done a lot of things wrong.

Stop majoring in the 10% and instead take a few hours to learn it all, so that if and when the time comes, you can protect yourself with confidence.

By taking this training course

You will feel equipped and confidence in your ability to protect yourself

no matter the situation

About Pat thurmond

Pat Thurmond is an Army combat veteran with a Ph.D. in Education and over a dozen self-defense instructor certifications from the NRA, R.A.D., and the Well Armed Woman, to name a few. She's also a graduate of The Law of Self-Defense Instructor Program and performs contract work as a licensed armed security guard.

Pat believes that battles are won or lost in seconds, and once we’re in a battle of ANY kind, it's too late to prepare for it. She also believes that today, more than ever before we must be prepared to protect ourselves against attackers.  Wouldn’t you agree? 

Because of these beliefs, she specializes in instilling the confidence, knowledge, and practical skills needed to avoid confrontation and overtake unexpected attackers. 

She does this in three unique ways: She teaches everyday citizens how to put a safety plan in place before they need one. She teaches them how to spot and avoid potential danger. And she teaches them what to do before, during, and after an encounter. In addition, she introduces them to security and personal protection devices such as stun guns, pepper sprays, and kubotans. Each of which could serve as a deterrent or an equalizer, if needed. 

Pat's philosophy is simple; "personal protection is our right and our responsibility."  Therefore, her goal is to provide everyday citizens with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to meet that responsibility.

As Seen On...



Course Learning Outcomes

In this course, you will learn and apply skills and tactics… So that you can…

  • Quickly evaluate and avoid potentially dangerous situations.

  • Determine when and more importantly how to run, hide, and fight.

  • Deploy life-saving defensive techniques that you can learn in minutes but remember for a lifetime

  • Apply the five legal elements of self-defense to safeguard your freedom and your wallet

  • Develop a personal protection plan to defend yourself while inside and outside your home. And much, much more… 

Self-defense principles & your legal rights

Protect yourself in and outside the home

What you do before, during and after an event matters. You'll master all 3

and more!

Get all the Benefits And Results Without.....

Wasted Time....

Wasted Money....

Wasted Energy....

Become an expert in your own protection

Why waste time learning techniques that are made for competition, not protection?

Fierce and Fearless proudly presents:

Beyond "no" self defense

This course is for everyday citizens who want to protect themselves without spending years and thousands of dollars in martial arts or other physical training, only to realize that fighting is just 10% of total self defense.

In fact, fighting is a last resort and if you're at that point, you've likely missed a few options. In this course, you'll learn the multiple faucets of self-defense, so that if the time comes, you can protect yourself with confidence.

5 module Training Program

complete at your pace

feel confident in hours, not years

Plus, strategies and tools that you can learn and apply right away

Bonuses: actionable workbook and your personalized protection plan checklist

what's included

Beyond "No" Self-Defense Course By Module

  1. Fundamentals of Self-Defense

In this module, we begin by defining self-defense. Followed by outlining the three categories of self-defense weapons (lethal, non-lethal, and personal) and the purposes and pitfalls of each. We wrap up the module with the 5 critical components required to legally claim self-defense. This module is critical to winning not only the physical assault but also the legal battle if it comes down to one.

  1. the 3 components to master

Now that you understand the legal aspects of self-defense, we move into the three components necessary to overcome any aggressive situation. In this module, we cover mindset, situational awareness, and fighting techniques. By mastering these three, we can defend ourselves against people looking to do us harm. 

  1. Self-defense inside the home

Now, it’s time to apply what we’ve learned about situational awareness and self-defense to ensure we are safe at home. First, by implementing strategies to make our homes less attractive to potential criminals. Second, by putting a plan in place to out maneuver a home invader.  

  1. Self- defense outside the home

In this module, we apply critical tactics to determine when and more importantly, how, to run, hide, and fight to ensure our safety while out in public and traveling in our vehicles.


How to communicate with authorities and others after the event.

In this module, we discuss what to do after the encounter, including the 911 call, talking with police, and interacting with friends, family, and on social media about the event. This module is critical to maintaining our claim of self-defense.

Plus these bonuses

  • Bonus #1 - Beyond No Workbook. The workbook is an excellent way to get even more from the course. The workbook for each module includes key takeaways, application exercises, and invaluable links and resources

  • Bonus # 2- Personal Protection Plan Checklist. Use this master checklist to document your progress towards creating a personal protection plan that’s right for you. All of the key safety components in one neat, accessible place.

personal safety is your right and your responsibility

You'll love this course...

If you have any issues with your purchase, course or materials please contact us.

beyond "no" self-defence

by Fierce and Fearless

Module 1............................. (Value $197)

Module 2..............................(Value $197)

Module 3 ............................ (Value $197)

Module 4 .............................(Value $197)

Module 5..............................(Value $197)

  • Bonuses:

  • Your Personal Printed Protection Plan (Value $297)

  • In Depth Course workbook by module (Value #197)

Total Value = ($1497)

Your Price = $297

one time payment of $297

what they're saying

What a great class! Thank you for all of the wonderful information and products. I'm excited about the Kubatons I purchased for myself and my daughter.

An even bigger thank you for your service to our country and all you represent to women and the military.

Your determination in life has protected you and taken you places. Love hearing stories about people overcoming and you are a beautiful example of beating the odds! 

  • Cindy a.

I am very thankful that I bought the self-defense tools you recommended. Every time I meet new clients or host an open house,

I think about what you taught us and feel equipped enough to be prepared. During my Haiti trip in June I brought my kubaton just in case, but luckily never felt a time to need to use it.

 I was the only one in our group of 12 that had any type of weapon. A few ladies wanted to stay by me the whole trip. Lol. 

  • Karen s.

Good afternoon, Dr. Thurmond! You did a great job last evening! Thank you so much!

I had so many people reach out to me today with such great feedback and talking about how they are going to see about getting you to their place of employment for some education. Thank you so much!!!

  • Salena G.

Personal protection is our right and our responsibility!

I now lock my car, all the time! I enjoyed the legal aspect of self-defense. Just something I never gave a second thought to before


  • Karen H.

I have personally taken a class from Pat Thurmond and have bought her products, many of which I use every week to be safer in my environment, which when you are a commercial realtor, is important.

  • Jana T.

Mortgage Advisor - Pat, I wanted to Thank you again for such a great class yesterday. I had numerous agents email yesterday afterwards telling me how much they enjoyed it.  

- jeff o

Hi Pat, I was talking with a realtor friend of mine today who was telling me about how nervous she was conducting an open house in East Nashville over the weekend. I told her about how much I have learned from you and about your awesome line of products.  

  • Kim H.

As a Veteran, I have always considered myself to more "vigilant" and prepared for criminal encounters than most people.

After hearing Pat Thurmond, I realized that my preparedness was only scratching the surface.

  • Barry O.

frequently asked questions

How long does the course take?

You can take the course at your own pace. If you want to binge watch it you can complete the course in a few hours. You may want to revisit the course at times throughout for a refresher as well.

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What if I'm not in good physical shape?

Your ability to protect and defend yourself is not just about your size and ability. It's also about many other factors that you will learn in this course. You can utilize self defense no matter your size or ability.

Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim b voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. here

I'm not a violent person, will this still work for me?

I teach you that there are 90% of other things you can do besides the other 10%- fighting. If you learn the other 90%, hopefully fighting will not be in the equation. If it is, it's a last resort and only for protecting yourself. Trust me, you'll be happy you have the ability should you need it.

beyond "no" self-defense

by Fierce and Fearless

Module 1............................. (Value $197)

Module 2..............................(Value $197)

Module 3 ............................ (Value $197)

Module 4 .............................(Value $197)

Module 5..............................(Value $197)

  • Bonuses:

  • Your Personal Printed Protection Plan (Value $297)

  • In Depth Course workbook by module (Value #197)

Total Value = ($1497)

Your Price = $297

it's our responsibility as citizens to obtain the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to protect our loved ones, defend ourselves, and survive an attack.